Legal Notice

Legal information and acceptance

These provisions regulate the use of the website (hereinafter, the "Website") that Plusev Consulting, SLU makes available to Internet users.

Plusev Consulting, SLU is duly registered with the Register of Companies of the Principality of Andorra, under number 22858, and provided with tax registration number L- 717933-E. Its contact e-mail address is

The Internet domain that allows access to this Website is owned by Plusev Consulting, SLU. The purpose of this Website is to provide information about the services offered by Plusev Consulting, SLU.

The use of the Website attributes the condition of user of the Website (hereinafter, "User") and implies the acceptance of all the conditions included in this Legal Notice. The provision of the Website service is limited in duration to the moment in which the User is connected to the Website or to any of the services provided through the Website. Therefore, the User must read this Legal Notice carefully each time he/she intends to use the Website, as it and the conditions of use contained therein may be subject to change.

Intellectual and industrial property

All the contents of the Website, including but not limited to, texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, programmes, links and other audiovisual or sound contents, as well as its graphic design and font codes (hereinafter, the "Contents"), are the intellectual and industrial property of Plusev Consulting, SLU or third parties, without any of the exploitation rights recognised by current legislation on intellectual property on these being transferred to the User, except those that are strictly necessary for the use of the Website.

Conditions of use of the Website

1. General

The User undertakes to make correct use of the Website in accordance with the applicable legislation and this Legal Notice. The User shall be liable to Plusev Consulting, SLU or third parties for any damage or harm that may be caused as a result of failure to comply with this obligation. 

2. Contents

By way of example only, the User, in accordance with current legislation, must abstain from:

  1. Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available, publicly communicate, transform or modify the Contents, except in the cases authorised by law or expressly consented to by Plusev Consulting, SLU.

  2. Reproduce or copy for private use the Contents that may be considered as Software or as a Database, in accordance with current legislation on intellectual property, as well as the public communication thereof or making it available to third parties when these acts necessarily imply the reproduction by the User or a third party.

  3. To use and/or reuse the totality or a substantial part of the Contents of the Website as well as the databases that Plusev Consulting, SLU makes available to the Users.

3. Data collection forms

The use of certain services or requests addressed to Plusev Consulting, SLU is subject to the prior completion of a form or User registration.

All the information provided by the User through the forms on the Website for the aforementioned purposes or for any other purposes must be truthful. To this effect, the User guarantees the authenticity of all the data that he/she communicates to Plusev Consulting, SLU, and will keep the information provided Plusev Consulting, SLU perfectly updated so that it corresponds, at all times, with the real situation of the User. In any case, the User will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made, as well as for any damage caused to Plusev Consulting, SLU or third parties as a result of the information provided.

Exclusion of liability

Access to the Website does not imply Plusev Consulting, SLU’s obligation to verify the truthfulness, accuracy, adequacy, suitability, completeness and timeliness of the information provided through it. The contents of this Website are of a general nature and do not constitute, in any way, the provision of legal or tax advice of any kind, which is why this information is insufficient for the taking of personal or business decisions by the User.

Plusev Consulting, SLU is not responsible for the decisions taken on the basis of the information provided on the Website or for any damage or harm caused to the User or third parties as a result of actions based solely on the information obtained on the Website.

Plusev Consulting, SLU is not responsible for any damage caused to the computer equipment of Users or third parties during the provision of the Website service as a result of viruses, worms or other harmful computer elements.

Plusev Consulting, SLU is not responsible for damages of any kind caused to the User, which are caused by errors or disconnections in the telecommunication networks that cause the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Website service during the provision of the same or previously.

Authorisation of links

Any third-party link to this Website will be directed to its main page, and deep links, framing and any other use of the contents of this Website by third parties not authorised in writing by Plusev Consulting, SLU are expressly forbidden.

Furthermore, Plusev Consulting, SLU prohibits the creation of links to this Website from other websites with contents that are contrary to the law, good faith and public order.

Protection of personal data

For more information about the treatment of your personal data on the Website, please refer to the Privacy Policy.

Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

This Legal Notice is governed at each and every end by the legislation of the Principality of Andorra.

The Users of this Website submit to the jurisdiction of the Andorran Courts, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled.